Chattogram Cantonment Public College is a pioneering educational institution in Bangladesh. This institution has attained supremacy with a glorious history of 61 years. To note, it achieved national recognition as "The Best Educational Institution" in 2002 and won the laurels of "The Best Educational Institution" at Chattogram Divisional Level in the National Education Week 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019 consecutively. The students of this institution are now serving in different government and non-government organizations at home and abroad. With an eye to building a brighter career and serving the country, they are also joining the Defence Forces on a heroic note. To build up a science and technology-oriented nation, this institution is devoted all the time.
Science & information technology is an inseparable part of the present progressive world. Just as modern life is unthinkable without air, modern life is next to impossible sans science and technology. I am very much glad to learn that Chattogram Cantonment Public College is now connected to worldwide information with the launch of the website. It fact, it's our firm determination to be enlisted into the digital world, building a strong global nation.
I heartily welcome this noble initiative and expect all the learners of this institution will come out successful with the light of knowledge, being moulded into good human beings and spreading the crowning glory of Chattogram Cantonment Public College.
Maj General Mir Mushfiqur Rahman, BSP, SUP, ndc, psc
Chief Patron
Chattogram Cantonment Public College
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