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Students shall come to school in proper uniform on the working days even during Board and Scholarship exams. They shall also be in uniform when they are sent outside to participate in different competitions. Students must be careful about their personal hygiene.

 Home works should be done regularly.

 Parents Guardian should go through the dairy regularly and put their signature after reading the teacher’s comments.

 Parents Guardian may contact the V.P. or the Academic Coordinator every Saturday from 11.00 a.m. till 13.00 p.m. to discuss any academic problem.

 Principal’s permission shall be required to go outside the school campus during class hours. Parent’s presence written permission shall be required for the leave during school hour.

 Principal’s permission shall be required for any absence. A student shall be fined for the leave without permission.

 Tuition fees should be paid regularly on the fixed dates at any branch of Trust Bank in the city Otherwise delay fine shall be charged. Delay fine shall be received on July & October.

 Inattentiveness to studies, disobedience, ill-manners, cheating in exams and indiscipline shall be dealt severely. Students shall be given forced TC for these offences.

 Students should come to school before due time. The gate shall be closed as soon as the school starts. Entrance shall not be allowed without a logical reason. Traffic jam is not a logical reason. If classes are hampered for political or other reasons, those shall be recovered on the weekly holiday (Friday).

 If any student fails to be present minimum 60% of the working days in the class. He/she shall not be promoted to the next class.

 No application for leave of absence shall be granted unless it is a case of hospitalization.

 If the parents of any student are not present on the date of publishing results shall not be given the report card.